About Us

AKA: Who's Responsible For This?

Who's the Horrorshow Hospital Radio Group?

We're a collection of people who made an internet radio station for fun and a mutual love of music. We are deliberately somewhat anonymous on this page.

If you really need us, you know where to find us just fine.

Who is Horrorshow Hospital/Horrorshow Programmer?

They're our broadcaster and programmer, respectively. One broadcasts the tunes and makes the playlists, the other gives this site a good bit of it's code.

Together they're the Horrorshow Hospital, and only a few of y'all know who that is.

Who is Partybarn Programmer?

They're the other programmer working alongside the Horrorshow Programmer. They flesh out the essentials of the site, give it the basic code needed, and send it over to the Horrorshow to be trimmed.

None of those who view this page will know who the Partybarn is and never will. This is keeping you safe. :]
